The strongly scented, white flowers of Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) help to attract night-flying insects such as moths.

Blue Diadem (Hypolimnus salmacis), found all over Africa to the south of Sahara. Their iridescent blue wing coloration is due to the structure and arrangement of thousands of scales covering the wings and causing an optical effect.

A butterfly caterpillar.

Sexava Coconut Treehopper (Segestidea novaeguineae), found in Papua New Guinea where it is the principal pest of oil palms. These insects cause damage by feeding on oil palm fronds and defoliation levels can be very severe where high populations occur. Severe defoliation causes results in yield loss from lower fruit production.

Planthopper (Fulgora maculata) from South Asia (Indian and Sri Lanka).

Nosa tigris, an African antlion. All antlion species are renowned for the fiercely predatory nature of their larvae, which trap ants and other small insects in pits dug into the ground. See here for more information.