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Endangered British Beetle

photos by Martin Wilson

Endangered British Beetle
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“And the poor beetle, that we tread upon,

In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great

As when a giant dies.”

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Measure for Measure, Act III, Scene 1

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Weevil (Lixus paraplecticus). Larvae and adults live in hollow stems of plants from the carrot family (Apiaceae). The scientific name refers to the popular belief that the species would cause paralysis in horses. This beetle species is in danger of extinction from the British Isles.


©Marv Wilson photography

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Violet Click Beetle (Limoniscus violaceus),

globally endangered; live only in the heart of decayed ancient trees. See here and here for more information.


©Marv Wilson photography

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Noble Chafer (Gnorimus nobilis) is an endangered beetle in the British fauna. Adult beetles can be found on flower heads of umbellifers, such as common hogweed. Larvae live in and feed on the rotting wood of old trees. See here for more information.


©Marv Wilson photography

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Hairy Rove Beetle (Emus hirtus), endangered. Both the adults and larvae are predators, feeding on various insects living in dung, such as dug beetles of the genus Aphodius. See here for more information.

© Marv Wilson photography

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