Water collects in the stiff, boat-shaped flowerheads of the Macaw Flower (Heliconia bihai). These tiny ponds are home to aquatic insects like the larvae of some mosquitos and other flies, and beetles.
These brightly coloured Jewel Shield Bugs of the genus Chrysocoris are native to South and South-East Asia. Some species could be agricultural pests.

(Morpho telemachus), native to South America. Named after Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in Homer's ‘Odyssey’.

A butterfly caterpillar.

Yellow-edged Giant Owl Butterfly (Caligo atreus), known from the lowland rainforests and secondary forests from Mexico to Peru. Its wingspan can reach 18 cm. The butterfly is most active at dawn and dusk. See here for more information.

Giant Leaf-footed Bug (Acanthocephala granulosa), native to Central and South Americas. The bug is harmless, but it can defend itself from the predators by releasing a smelly protective fluid containing carbonyl and acid compounds.